Micks Resources

23.11.16 11:34pm: Why does everyone i know hate me

24.11.16 4:23pm: im out of pills

26.11.16 3:53am: got some more pills yesterday they dont seem to be working very well

28.11.16 1:24pm: cant wait to get drunk and cry again tonight

29.11.16 3:45pm: my hangover is killing me

30.11.16 5:12am: i cant sleep my head is killing me everything hurts

3.12.16 12:09am: ive been thinking a lot lately about what i like and i could only think of hurting others and doing this shit online

5.12.16 4:56pm: i fucking hate myself im so stupid fuck

9.12.16 8:18pm: i feel like im just an annoyance for everyone around me 12.12.16 3:53am: i wonder if anyone would miss me if i just ended it. i seriously feel so alone. all i have is calvin and some e-people

13.12.16 1:22pm: i know that if i kill myself all the assholes at school and shit are gonna act like "oh wow we were best friends i cant believe he did this he was so happy on the outside"

13.12.16 1:23pm: seriously fuck off

16.12.16 11:47pm: how do i kill myself with as little mess as possible. i dont want to be the next bloodsplatter on the wall for the clean up crew.

19.12.16 1:56am: what am i doing? all i do is: wake up, go to school, get bullied, go home, get my ass beaten by my dad, cry, go online all day, then sleep and repeat.

22.12.16 REMOVED TIME: do people online think im a loser too?

25.12.16 8:52pm: ive realized that everyone hates me and i will never go anywhere in my life. i need to get better grades to get to go to the school i wanna go to.

30.12.16 REMOVED TIME: i dont write in this log as often as i used to. im gonna hide away most of it on a hidden spot.

1.1.17 12:05: wooh happy new year to myself i guess

3.1.17 REMOVED TIME: i want to murder someone cold blood

REMOVED TIME AND DATE: i got a hold of REMOVED today


13.1.17 REMOVED TIME: im legit going insane i think

14.1.17 REMOVED TIME: what is going on i feel like im far away from myself

REMOVED TIME AND DATE: cops asked some shit im fine i think

18.1.17 1:40PM: im gonna make a little bit public if you look for it. i dont care anymore

19.1.17 4:12pm: why am i so sad all the time? i feel powerless about my feelings.

19.1.17 4:18pm: Why am i such a horrible human being? All i do is hurt people, both hurting their feelings and legit hurting them. i wish i was dead tbh.